Thursday, September 28, 2006

When you think too much....

I'm listening to Jay Chou's new album, and I'm actually loving it.
Some of the songs are really quite nice. I really like 千里之外 despite my aunt's comment that the older singer (Fei Yu Qing) is a way better singer than Jay Chou. 听妈妈的话, which I think is supposed to be some kind of conversation to Jay's younger self (based on my limited knowledge of mandarin )is also a really nice song to listen to. I also like 红模仿 simply coz I think some elements added to the song reflect the guy's sense of humour. Out of the 3 music videos I've seen for this album, the one with a cute Chinese boy vampire and the spoof of the Ring's Sadako was the one I like the best.

Sometimes I think the world is just so not fair....
While people like Jay Chou and 方文山 are just drowning in their talents,
while my classmates who are new moms lose weight as easy as they breathe,
while some are lucky enough to be doing their dream jobs,
while others make money as they open their eyes in the morning, ....

Better not get started, I guess....
I mean, I know for a fact that everyone has his or her own set of problems, as what I usually advise any of my friends who's feeling down and starting to look at others with a dash of jealousy.

My mom also told me something that my grandma used to tell her:

Well, this is what happens when you think too much, I suppose.
Something that I somehow ended up discussing with a friend the other day.

So, better stop fretting and pull yourself together, girl!
Every day is a bonus, so ......... THANKS, GOD!

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