Sunday, September 17, 2006

One hectic week-end

I just came back from the lovely Miss M's wedding reception. It was really sweet of Miss M to invite my parents but they had another reception to attend, so my brother and sis-in-law went with me. It was a good thing they did as I only knew very few people there (sigh..... I guess one of the downside of being single is not having any readily available friend to go to functions like this), but anyway it was definitely worth the trip back here just to see Miss M - Pak W, Girbo, Samantha, Yuli and ...... Lenny! I haven't seen the chirpy gal since 2004, I believe.....
Gosh... it just reminds me of all the pork talk....

Anyway, I didn't know I was going to have such a tight schedule here trying to juggle everyone and everything during my 3D/3N stay here.
I have been here less than 36 hours but I felt like I've done tons of stuff and met tons of people.

Mom picked me up at the airport yesterday and we made a stop at my aunt's place to drop off some stuff for the 2-Qis. My Dad's youngest sis was going to return to Canada this morning, so my Dad wanted us to have a proper sending off, with a family dinner. So, after a quick nap at home, I had to drive Didi, Mom and me to the restaurant, where we met (some of) the rest of the clan. We had a really good time,especially with after-dinner entertainment by my niece and nephew, which reminded me of the "shows" my brother and I used to put together for the family when we were young. We reached home around 8.30 and some of my younger cousins stayed over here for the nite. The boys played PS2 with my brother while the girls and I (plus my youngest aunt) had a girl talk session. Then Dude picked me up at 11.30. We picked up Eeyore at his home and Dude dragged both of us to NuChina in Kemang. I wasn't crazy about the music they were playing that night but Dude had said that nowadays she only had the two of us to go clubbing with, so I tried to bear with it for a while. By 2 am though, I was bored stiff.
We finally left at 2.30 am and by then Eeyore was starving, so we headed down to the nearby McD.

It was almost 4 am by the time I got home to find the kids (except for Marilyn) strewn all over the place and the couch. I had to start shifting everyone to the room, waking one at a time and making sure each of those sleep-walking kids gets a corner to stretch and sleep in the air-conditioned room. 2 girls and 2 boys later, I was out..... only to be disturbed less than 4 hours later by the chat going on over breakfast in the dining room.

Within the following 14 hours or so, I managed to:
-Tagged along with my sis-in-law to send the girls home so one of them can make it in time to her boyfriend's volleyball match (Gosh... I still remember the days when I had to bathe and feed her as a toddler, and now dating.... I feel so old now!!!).
- Met my sis-in-law's mom and his brother Ben at his new shop (Interestingly, Ben was wearing the t-shirt I gave him a few years ago)
- Picked up some softwares for myself at the nextdoor shop
- Had a (useless) facial to help calm my (still) breaking-out skin condition
- Went for a catok session at a neighbourhood hair salon that I will never step my foot in again in the future
- Attended Miss M's reception and met some of the Dearborn(+) gank.

I guess Grandma was right. I shouldn't have bothered bringing my materials here.
There are already things lined up for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

I just wish I could get some good night's sleep to let my skin recover.
Oh yea... and for all of these not have any impact on my program.

Dream on....


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...
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Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Heyyyy... how come my mom didn't see you in Ms. M's reception? Although my dad 'thought' he saw a glimpse of King Kalbi.

BETO said...

i miss djakarta. i miss.

chocoholic said...

Blue Cactus,
I was thinking the same thing, you know... I remember telling my mom later how I didn't see your parents, but then I just assumed they might have left early as I got there a bit late.

chocoholic said...


Don't sweat it...
Just think of all the traffic jams, giggly pedestrians, nasty dusty polluted air....
Maybe that will take your mind off the nasi padang, soto marem, the friends, citraland and most importantly... THE FUN!

(devilish chuckle)