Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm a bit sad that the (ex)Japanese PM Koizumi had to leave.
I'm not familiar with any of his policies, or anything like that.
Honestly haven't been doing a good job in keeping up with international news.

I just somehow feel that he's a fairly decent guy.
Maybe it's the funky hairdo.

Yea... come to think of it, I think it's the funky hairdo. I'm still not sure whether that's natural or permed.

It's either that or the repeated footage of him ballroom-dancing with Richard Gere. YUP! I think that's what did it to me.

Happy butterflies

I had a little "chat" session with one of my best friends, Bule, last night.
For some reasons, she seems to think I have the ability to decipher dreams, as she has this habit of asking me to do it for her, and this has been going on forever.

Anyway, we ended up talking about dreams.
Not just any dreams, but those that gave you this particular happy butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling. Those happy dreams that really make you feel reluctant to wake up to the harsh reality.

It's been a while, I must say....

Friday, September 29, 2006

Unbreak my heart

I spoke to one of my YA-YA sisters on Tuesday.
It's been a while since we last had our catch-up session.
I was in a "mixed" mood but leaning towards a rather good mood. Unfortunately, she was on the opposite extreme, trying to bury herself in work to temporarily forget about her problem, it seems.

It really broke my heart to hear her story.
It's crazy what the heart can make you do despite what the mind tells you.

Sometimes I find it amazing the number of heart-breaking stories I have heard from people around me. So much so that at one point I really suspected that I brought bad "qi" to my friends. A friend even once suggested that I could probably write a book compiling all these drama, or maybe even work for a korean production house.

Up to this point, I think I've kinda' decided that my bad "qi" can't be that powerful as to have an impact on so many people. Therefore, my final conclusion is that the problem lies with people. These humans.... tsk..tsk..tsk...
(Oops.... I guess I've kinda' overlooked the fact that I'm one of them too :P)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I framed myself

Yesterday, my trainer said that he didn't realize that I kinda have "small bones", i.e. small-framed.
"You've gotta be kidding me...," I said, " I don't get associated with the word small ... EVER."
He said that was based on his observation on my wrist size.
Well,... I thought then that it was acceptable given that one tend to experience some kind of optical illusion when comparing a large item to another humongously larger item.

Just out of curiosity, I checked online, and guess what....
I'm a MEDIUM-framed!
Hey, I'll take anything other than LARGE (and any combination involving this word), anytime anyday...

When you think too much....

I'm listening to Jay Chou's new album, and I'm actually loving it.
Some of the songs are really quite nice. I really like 千里之外 despite my aunt's comment that the older singer (Fei Yu Qing) is a way better singer than Jay Chou. 听妈妈的话, which I think is supposed to be some kind of conversation to Jay's younger self (based on my limited knowledge of mandarin )is also a really nice song to listen to. I also like 红模仿 simply coz I think some elements added to the song reflect the guy's sense of humour. Out of the 3 music videos I've seen for this album, the one with a cute Chinese boy vampire and the spoof of the Ring's Sadako was the one I like the best.

Sometimes I think the world is just so not fair....
While people like Jay Chou and 方文山 are just drowning in their talents,
while my classmates who are new moms lose weight as easy as they breathe,
while some are lucky enough to be doing their dream jobs,
while others make money as they open their eyes in the morning, ....

Better not get started, I guess....
I mean, I know for a fact that everyone has his or her own set of problems, as what I usually advise any of my friends who's feeling down and starting to look at others with a dash of jealousy.

My mom also told me something that my grandma used to tell her:

Well, this is what happens when you think too much, I suppose.
Something that I somehow ended up discussing with a friend the other day.

So, better stop fretting and pull yourself together, girl!
Every day is a bonus, so ......... THANKS, GOD!

Monday, September 25, 2006

I love fast people

I love small offices. I love efficient, and most importantly friendly, staff at a particular embassy in town.
Less than half an hour to get approval? God Bless them!
(Can't believe how I spent such a longer time (weeks, actually) to straighten things out with ppl back home)

All governments should learn from this particular office and get rid of those typically nasty,lengthy and unnecessary procedures.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I know that it's just how life is but being manipulated sucks. Big time.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Poker vs. Cucumber

Sometimes I really wish I could be more composed.
Sometimes I wish I wouldn't get fired up the way I do when it gets to something I really care about.

Sometimes I wish I wouldn't get over-excited the way I do when it gets to something I really like.
Sometimes I wish I were cool as a cucumber.
Sometimes I wish I were a poker champion, with the poker face, poker voice and all.

My roomie tried to convince me that I'd be just fine without a poker face.
I must say, I think a poker face and voice would come in really handy though.
Some kind of protective shield..... for me and for the people around me (e.g. my current team mates).

Well, anyway I've decided to forget about poker face and poker voice.
I have a new item for my (extremely long) new year's resolution list :

Somehow, it never crossed my mind before to list it in my previous new year's resolutions.

I'm listening to this Madeline Peyroux CD that I just got on my way home from my group meeting. For some reason, the songs somehow just send me back to my second apartment in Chicago.

It was a teeny weeny studio on the third floor of the south wing of a vintage building. There were 2 large windows with a crappy view of the parking lot and the alley behind the church next to the building. I saw my first snow flakes through those windows. I kept track of this particular tree's changing colours my first fall there. My very first experience of cooking for my friends was there. So was my very first experience of almost killing myself (and probably others, too) and causing a fire in the whole building (on a separate occasion). I had my first (and hopefully the last) visit from the cops following a complaint from some grumpy old lady neighbour, when my friends and I had too much of a good time when I had some of them over for dinner.

Oh, now I remember why the CD did this to me.
I think my ex-boss's hubby was playing her songs when my ex-boss had a farewell party for me at her home.
It just brings back memories of good times in the past.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Over a chat this evening with some of my classmates, I've just remembered this one particular thing I wanted to complain about traffic back home.

No, it's not the traffic jam.
I've accepted the fact that it is what it is. I doubt that there will be any significant change within the next 20 years or so, considering how things are done back there.

What I found most annoying from my driving experience during this most recent 4-day stay was the pedestrians.
God, they're annoying!!!!

I could not and still can not fathom what is so fun about jaywalking that all of them, and I mean all... well, ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but seriously a lot of them do, either have a cheeky grin or a really wide smile when they jaywalk.
On one occasion on the road leading to the toll-way, with tons of vehicles running in high speed, I even encountered a bunch of giggly ladies (who were definitely not in their teens) chuckling and laughing, holding hands while dashing across the street. What made it even more annoying was how they deliberately completely slow down, while still giggling, and strutted along once you slow down to let them cross.


I mean, I'm not a saint. I definitely jaywalk, too. BUT there is a huge difference: I happen to take jaywalking as a dead-serious activity, ok? I only do that either when the traffic is in a complete stand still, or when I know that I won't be in the way of the incoming vehicles which are usually quite a distance away. OH well, I know this is quite a relative measure which can be debated, but at the very least, I never, never, NEVER giggle when I jaywalk.As I said before,it's a dead-serious activity to me.

I think we should have a heavier fine for giggling jaywalkers. I think they're insulting the serious jaywalkers like me.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A nice compliment ... and a few more

There's this really nice middle-aged couple in one of my yoga class. Unfortunately they're dropping the class since they are not able to keep up with the rest of the class.
Today was the last classs, so I stopped to talk to them in the hallway, just so I could kinda' say good-bye to them.

He confirmed they won't be coming next week.
"We can't do most of the stuff.....," he smiled, before adding, "But're doing really well, though."
I couldn't help but gave an awkward smile. Not sure what to say as I think he was just trying to be nice.
"No... seriously! I mean, despite your size....." he added again with a smile.

I thought then at that minute that he must have meant what he said.

Thanks for making my day, Uncle!

I love the compliments I've been getting the past few days.

An acquaintance said my face was "thinner". My sis-in-law liked my hair. My aunt said my butt is ever-so-slightly smaller. Eeyore said I looked kinda' cute driving my sis-in-law's Pooh-invested Honda Jazz... (What can I say.... I don't hear the word cute being associated with me that often, even when it's in a joking manner such as in this case. So, I happily took note of this historical event).

Sunday, September 17, 2006

One hectic week-end

I just came back from the lovely Miss M's wedding reception. It was really sweet of Miss M to invite my parents but they had another reception to attend, so my brother and sis-in-law went with me. It was a good thing they did as I only knew very few people there (sigh..... I guess one of the downside of being single is not having any readily available friend to go to functions like this), but anyway it was definitely worth the trip back here just to see Miss M - Pak W, Girbo, Samantha, Yuli and ...... Lenny! I haven't seen the chirpy gal since 2004, I believe.....
Gosh... it just reminds me of all the pork talk....

Anyway, I didn't know I was going to have such a tight schedule here trying to juggle everyone and everything during my 3D/3N stay here.
I have been here less than 36 hours but I felt like I've done tons of stuff and met tons of people.

Mom picked me up at the airport yesterday and we made a stop at my aunt's place to drop off some stuff for the 2-Qis. My Dad's youngest sis was going to return to Canada this morning, so my Dad wanted us to have a proper sending off, with a family dinner. So, after a quick nap at home, I had to drive Didi, Mom and me to the restaurant, where we met (some of) the rest of the clan. We had a really good time,especially with after-dinner entertainment by my niece and nephew, which reminded me of the "shows" my brother and I used to put together for the family when we were young. We reached home around 8.30 and some of my younger cousins stayed over here for the nite. The boys played PS2 with my brother while the girls and I (plus my youngest aunt) had a girl talk session. Then Dude picked me up at 11.30. We picked up Eeyore at his home and Dude dragged both of us to NuChina in Kemang. I wasn't crazy about the music they were playing that night but Dude had said that nowadays she only had the two of us to go clubbing with, so I tried to bear with it for a while. By 2 am though, I was bored stiff.
We finally left at 2.30 am and by then Eeyore was starving, so we headed down to the nearby McD.

It was almost 4 am by the time I got home to find the kids (except for Marilyn) strewn all over the place and the couch. I had to start shifting everyone to the room, waking one at a time and making sure each of those sleep-walking kids gets a corner to stretch and sleep in the air-conditioned room. 2 girls and 2 boys later, I was out..... only to be disturbed less than 4 hours later by the chat going on over breakfast in the dining room.

Within the following 14 hours or so, I managed to:
-Tagged along with my sis-in-law to send the girls home so one of them can make it in time to her boyfriend's volleyball match (Gosh... I still remember the days when I had to bathe and feed her as a toddler, and now dating.... I feel so old now!!!).
- Met my sis-in-law's mom and his brother Ben at his new shop (Interestingly, Ben was wearing the t-shirt I gave him a few years ago)
- Picked up some softwares for myself at the nextdoor shop
- Had a (useless) facial to help calm my (still) breaking-out skin condition
- Went for a catok session at a neighbourhood hair salon that I will never step my foot in again in the future
- Attended Miss M's reception and met some of the Dearborn(+) gank.

I guess Grandma was right. I shouldn't have bothered bringing my materials here.
There are already things lined up for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

I just wish I could get some good night's sleep to let my skin recover.
Oh yea... and for all of these not have any impact on my program.

Dream on....

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm hooked on this particular HK TV series. It's actually something within the line of Grey's Anatomy. Not as sad and intense as ER.

Sometimes the brain gives you the wrong signal....... and you'd think that there's something, when the reality is there's nothing there.

A rough idea of what I can remember and interpret from a character in the show, who's a doctor making a comment about her own life, by referring to one of her patient's complains of pain from a recently amputated limb.

Distorted messages. Misinterpreted messages.


Better go and pack now. It's less than 10 hours before my flight and I have not even started packing. Yea... I'm a true blue procrastinator. What can I say?
Mom took my 2, cabin and medium-size, suitcases.... so I (think I) have an excuse to get a new one :P

Just bought myself a pretty little khaki 4-wheeler. YAY!I love 4-wheelers.
Guess where I bought it??...
MUSTAFA, of course! Hahahaha... where else can you shop at 1 am in the morning?
Finally... no more lugging and dragging things around like a rickshaw-man!
Unbelievable... I'm actually packing my yoga mat. Hahahaha.... I betcha my family's gonna have such a good time poking fun at me.
I'm only doin it as I've learned my lesson after my experience last week. Didn't do anything at all for several days and I actually felt quite uncomfortable. Some kind of weird soreness going on.
Coming from me....., I find this testimony amazing. ^_^

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday nite at school

Had a wacky time at school this evening.

The Prof who pronounced "Rolex" like "Durex.
The same prof who listed massage as one of the "local demand".
Mr Kuah who sms-ed me begging to be killed (Luckily I didn't really get the sms in time as I silenced my phone..... I might have found the request too tempting to reject).
Uncle who managed to catch a quick nap while sitting upright with a very peaceful , zen-like look on his face.
Ms. Eye who thought that I said I was dating when I told her I was driving.

If not for the above, the lecture was seriously dangerously boring. So much so that I managed to fall asleep.... twice!
Both while still not giving up on trying to scribble down the prof's comments on my lecture notes.
Can't wait to see what I wrote as the impact of globalization on urban growth in low-income countries.

I went shopping today in my attempt to try to find a decent dress for this Sunday. Anyway, I must say it was a rather frustrating experience, for obvious reasons...
So, I will be doing a second sweeping at Orchard tomorrow, after picking up my tickets and of course after completing my 1.5 hr of torture. If nothing else is available in the market, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and go with this one.
I seriously have no idea what I'm doing. I hope I won't appear in any magazine's list of Don'ts.
Keeping my fingers crossed.....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

To be or might be

This is yet another question that's been bugging me (occassionally) for the past few years.

I've noticed for quite a while now that I seem to navigate myself with a back-up plan to fall back on at all time. Well,... at least most of the time.
I'm not sure when this habit started, but it's definitely been going on since I was much younger.

There's always this statement going on in my head:
If this doesn't work out, I'll go and do that instead.
If I don't get accepted here, I'll still have that school to go to.
If I can't find a job in this field, I'll try to go for that field.
If I can't stay here, then I'll go there instead.

Maybe it's due to my mom's influence on me. I guess one can say that I was fully trained in worst case scenarios by her. Among other things, to be prepared for the worst seems to be one of the critical points she's instilled on me since a young age.

But now I wonder if having all these back-up plans is actually a distraction in my effort to achieve whatever goals I might have. I wonder if my ex-boss was correct when she told me that I had the persistence that some people didn't. You see, I know some people who are very adamant about what they want. It's always a case of "to be or not to be" and not "to be or might be" for them.
I think this helps them to be very persistent and more consistent in what they do.

I must say, it's a really tough habit to change though. I don't think I'll be able to get a good night's sleep without any plan-B.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Can't wait till December...

I feel bad.
I wish I could spend more time with my gramps...
but with all the classes, the projects, the assignments from "my boss", the errands I have to run for my "real boss", and the training sessions, I really have very little time to spare.

To make things worse, I've always been a nite owl.
I have a clearer mind at night, thus I'm more efficient and effective working during night time.
My gramps, on the other hand, can barely stay up past 8.30 pm.
By the time, I get up in the morning, they've left with my aunt to her shop.
I'll probably see them for about an hour or two nowadays. And that's only when I don't have anything going on in the evening.

I'm really afraid I'm turning into the cousin who I resent the most for his lack of attention for our gramps. It's a long story, but in short I feel that he's not fulfiling his duty as the only "official" grandson, while enjoying all the benefits my gramps provide for him.

I keep telling myself that things will be better once I'm done with school in December. That I will be able to spend more time with my family, especially my parents and my gramps.... oh and also the two trouble-makers back home, aka. my niece and nephew. I really, really hope I'm not lying to myself.

I can't wait till December.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Getting to know the devil

Just came back from a totally chick-flick session with HB at Bugis earlier tonight.
We went to see the Devil wears Prada, as both of us had been really looking forward to catch it.
And I'm totally smitten by the movie!!

I love everything about it. I love it. I love it. I love it!I LOVE IT!
I loved Meryl Streep's performance. It took me a while to finally remember that she's Meryl Streep and not Cruella De Vil and now I think it will be another few years before I can see her not as Miranda Priestly.

I really like how the character Andy Sachs doesn't believe in quitting despite all the pressures that she gets. And, of course.....the outfits!!!!!!!!!!
Anne Hathaway looks so cute, sweet, gorgeous and cool at the same time that I think both HB and I were almost hypnotized (Bravo, Pat Field!)

After the movie, HB and I were laughing about the idea of reliving the days of the girly bangs which we haven't had , at least in Anne's full-blown scale, since primary school. However, although I'm seriously curious to relive the experience, I think I know much better than to actually go and do it.

No, I'm not ready to jump in this case.

Anyway, I can't seem to get one line from the movie out of my head, and I really hope that one day in the future, I can look back and at the very least tell myself that

(I) must've done somethin' rite....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Confession of a dangerous stomach

I'm gonna pay dearly for what I did this evening. Out of all the things in the world, I went to a buffet!!!!!
And this is when I'm supposed to be on a very strict diet per orders from my trainer.

And what's even worse....., I really enjoyed the food aside from the company. ...
I seriously wonder if Gin-man and Mr. Bunny are the devil in disguise.

Well, nothing I can do now except to pray really hard and keep my fingers crossed that this one-time buffet won't do too terrible a damage on my program.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mayday. Mayday.

Critical case of carb withdrawal identified.

(Wish I knew what kind of assistance to request in this case)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Grumpy old girl

So many things are going on right now I seriously wish I had a clone.
The number of people I have to deal with (including myself), the number of requests and concerns to address, the number of phone calls to make....
O sh*t, I think I forgot to make one phone call.

Anyway, it's getting almost ridiculous considering the continuous comments within the line of "This shouldn't be a problem for you.You have all the time in the world .... since you're a full time student now."

Multiply this comment by the number of people that you know, and....
You're in trouble.

I'm just a bit worried that I might snap the next time anyone makes the above comment in front of me.
So far, I've managed to do with a sigh or just by rolling my eyes.... but please do excuse me if I somehow snap the next time I hear those words.
Don't say I didn't warn you now.....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The yapping fake Cap

I'm really quite befuddled by what I see from the married couples around me......

Why is it that married couples don't "talk" to each other? And by "talk" of course I am not referring to something within the line of the yapping that I do all the time to my friends. By "talk" I mean serious communication. It doesn't even have to be a serious topic, but why can't they just talk to each other?

I mean, if they could manage to talk to each other on the phone and bog the phone all day, if they could whisper seriously silly things to each other like there's no tomorrow, if they could do all that while they were dating or seeing each other, then why can't they communicate with each other once they're married?
I just don't get it.

Is it because they're so sick of each other that there's nothing they feel like discussing with their spouses anymore? I sure hope not.

I used to naively think that the reason married couples don't need to talk so much to each other was because they know each other so well that there was no need to say the words.
I know now that I either watched too many chick flicks or listened to too many cheesy songs. So, as a penalty, there will be no more Ronan Keating's When you say nothing at all for me.

Well, ... not until the next time I start singing along like a crazy girl when I hear this on the radio

Seriously, ... I hope if -- and that's a big IF--, IF God's finally nice enough to let me be in the same position one day, I pray that I will not do it the same way.

This just reminds me of what an old friend from high school said once. She told me that given my kungfu, I'd have to find a really, seriously quiet person who can bear with all my yapping. I thought it was silly then, but now I'm not so sure especially considering how I've gotten from good to EXCELLENT in my yapping skills. Then, a few years later, someone else told me that his first impression of me was: "Boy, this girl talkative or what!!!?!?

Despite their comments, though, the same two people used to make me talk to them for hours. When I tried to cut down on phone bills, they would call me instead and insisted that I talk to them... about anything at all.
It's quite silly now that I think of it.

Anyway, I found this from an old acquaintance's posting on friendster's bulletin board:

Capricorn, the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, is all abouthard work. Those born under this Sign are morethan happy to put in a full day at the office,realizing that it will likely take a lot of those daysto get to the top. That's no problem, sinceCapricorns are both ambitious and determined:they will get there. Life is one big project for these folks, and they adapt to this by adopting a businesslike approach to most everything they do.Capricorns are practical as well, taking things onestep at a time and being as realistic and pragmaticas possible. The Capricorn-born are extremelydedicated to their goals, almost to the point ofstubbornness. Boy, those victories sure smellsweet, though, and that thought alone will keep Capricorns going.

If this is true, I should seriously try to re-check my date of birth.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Not a very good Saturday

I decided to wake up a bit early today just to make sure that I can get my hands on the Saturday edition of the paper, or to be precise, the Recruit section of the paper.
As HB once said, Saturday is the day of hope.

Anyway, another reason why I decided to do it is that I wanted to get at the uncle who ran the mom-n-pop shop downstairs. Not that he's mean or annoying or anything. He's the cheerful, kinda' goofy, happy-go-lucky type that always makes fun of me when I run downstairs and try to get the newspapers. He used to say "good morning" to me when I do, even when it was already 1 pm. Occassionally, I would get the very last copy that he has, and he would say: " Very lucky today, hor?"

So there I was, grinning happily as I grabbed my copy of the paper and walked to his "counter" to pay for it. He wasn't there though, he was busy arranging some stuff in another corner of the tiny shop. That's when I noticed the shop looked a bit more spacious. Some stuff were missing.
I asked him about it and that's when he told me ," You're gonna see less and less in the next few days."

I thought it was one of his silly jokes again, so I smiled and waited for his punch line.

"Seriously, I'm folding up the business. Someone's gonna take over next month."

This is coming from a guy who told me and my aunt that he doesn't mind losing money every month for the past few years, just so he has something to do to keep his mind occupied.

I thought that business was really bad now, but he told me that he wants to spend time with his wife who has just been told that the breast cancer she had 2 years ago is back.
At this stage, he and his wife were told that any therapy is basically only to try to slow down the cancer from spreading anywhere else.

"Nothing I can do" he said.
"I must take care of her...... must take her to see "the world" now...."

I was speechless.
The thought of my grandpa crossed my mind.
But there's no point in mentioning that story to him now.
He seems to be dealing with it much better than I did in a relatively similar position.

There was a brief silence as we looked at each other.
I was afraid that if I stayed any longer in the shop I would start to cry.
A deep breath and sigh later, I said a weak good-bye and left. I wish I could give him a hug or tell him to hang in there, but I didn't know the chinese word for it.

The other day, when I dropped by his shop to get a top-up card for my phone, I ended up looking at some of the old pictures he had from back in 1968. He was happily telling me how pulau Ubin used to be so much fun back then. Another day, he was proudly "introducing" me to the pictures of his grandchildren that he proudly displays on the shelf behind his counter. And yet another day, I met one of his grandsons in the shop, sitting contentedly on a tiny stool in one corner, happily munching on some snacks that I suppose he raided from his grandpa's shop.

I'm sure gonna miss seeing him around....