Sunday, July 30, 2006

Everything is an illusion

Growing up, I used to think that someday...I could be as wise and knowledgeable as the "adults" in my life.
Of course, my Mom had a huge role in this case, with her constantly brain-washing me that as long as I study really hard, I can be anything I want, well almost anything, since she was also the one who told her friends: "This one (i.e. Me) is so useless in Math compared to her brother."
So I guess Math teacher was out from the list then :P

Anyway, so I grew up looking forward to being wise or at least wiser.
I think that was the only upside of aging that I was looking forward to.

Well, judging from the silly things I used to do, I think I have become slightly wiser now.

However, judging from the silly things I still do, I don't see the difference between where I am now and where I was before.

To make things worse, I think that age has taken away the wisdom from the "adults" in my life.
Either that, or they actually have never had it before.

"Everything is an illusion", said David Carradine in Kungfu the Legend.
(This is one of the TV quotes that have been with me for the past 20+ years. Used to stay up late till almost midnite once a week to watch this TV series. God knows I don't like David Carradine. God knows I don't like angmohs interpretation of the Chinese Gongfu, or their interpretation of anything Chinese for that matter. So, only God knows why as a kid I would sacrifice so much for that crappy TV series.)

I guess then maybe wisdom is an illusion, too...

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