Friday, July 07, 2006

Polite Singaporean kids

I was really impressed today.
My impression of nerdy, innocent-looking Singaporean boys and girls is gone for good today.

I was driving some of my relatives to the home of another relative in Bukit Batok. With the number of passengers I had to carry, I decided to borrow my Uncle's van instead. I have driven the thing a few times before but although I made it just fine, I must admit that my aunt's Lancer is definitely an easier pet to handle.

Anyway, trying to negotiate my way around a really tight corner spot (and making sure I stay as close as possible to the wall so I won't be blocking anyone's way), apparently a young Chinese boy from a car who was blocked for probably around 20 seconds by my van yelled: " F*ck you! Don't even know how to park ah?!?"

The boy got away as I did not hear it, but my cousins who were standing nearby trying to make sure I don't add another dent (by my cousin) on the van, caught it loud and clear alright.

What impressed me the most though was not the boy, as I believe kids are really fast in picking up bad things from their surroundings. What I found really impressive was how the parents who were right there with him did not make a single comment.

I was hunting for the boy while walking to my relative's block.

I wanted to tell him to go and f**k his parents instead as they're doing such a terrible job in raising him, there's a chance he might be better off at some Home for juvenile delinquents.

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