Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A repenting couch potato ???

Today couldn't have been more extreme.
I went for my very first personal training ever this morning. Spent a good 2hrs at the gym (mostly in the ladies changing room, though... hahaha). I keep on reminding my PT that I don't want to end up like Arnold. Especially since he mentioned that my test showed no liquid retention and aside from the obvious sinful fat, I have quite a significant muscle mass.

Geez..... I seriously feel like the Terminator (in progress) now....
(Practising my hasta la visa, baby now....)

Anyway, after doing my laundry this afternoon, I had to go to my Yoga class earlier this evening where the instructor seemed to have his mind set on trying to reach the 30% drop-out rate he was bragging about in the first week. So, another 1.5 hr of sweating and gasping for Oxygen....
(Inhaaaaale....... Exhaaaaale..... Inhale.... Ex...Inhale.... Ex..Inhale.. INHALE. Darn it! Where did all the Oxygen go?)

My bro was nice enough to call up and check on me (i.e. nag about watching my diet and putting in extra effort on the exercise part). Anyway, it's not very often I get a phone call from him with some signs of concern on my well-being, though.
Makes me wonder what new PC games he wants me to get for him next.....

All in all... It was quite a day for a couch potato, I suppose....

Now I'm gonna take a good rest to welcome the awful pain that's gonna hit me later.
On second thought.... I think it's here :(

Listening to Jack Johnson's Better Together and loving it....

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