Saturday, August 19, 2006

Midnite Click

I'm glad I went to see Click with Suzie.

I picked her up at her place and went for a tour around her flat that she shares with her sister (and mom). I'm so envious of her..... I can't wait till the day I have my own place.
It was also really nice to see her mom again after so many years, especially to see how well she's doing after going through so much a few years ago.
It is amazing what love and care can do to a person, the right kind of love, that is.......

We had a little problem finding parking, but we got there just in time for the movie.
Even during the first few minutes of it, I kind of choked up a bit at the sight of Bed Bath and Beyond.
It's silly, I know....

Anyway the movie is just what I expected from Adam Sandler.
His typical heart-warming-end movie with hilarious bits and snide comments here and there.... and I loved it.
Mostly because it has just reminded me of the main reason why I decided to come back.

I was thinking about this on the way home at 1.30 in the morning, noticing how I seem to have slowly somehow forgotten about it as I have to deal with other pressures that crept into the picture.

Anyway, I got home to some noise and light from the kitchen, and later found out that it was my grandpa having his midnite crackers.
His hearing is so poor nowadays he didn't even hear me come in and was a bit surprised to see me walk by. He casually asked if I wanted some and I decided to just grab a stalk of celery and sit there at the table with him.

We just sat there and did not say much to each other except for when I started by asking him whether those were the "good" crackers that he mentioned last week. I've heard and witnessed how Grandpa's memory has been deteriorating a lot. Despite knowing that it's not gonna help, I've been trying to initiate small talks with him as much as possible just to get him to talk and response to questions.

This just reminds me of my roti-prata supper sessions with my late paternal grandpa.
Sure do miss him a lot...

I've just realized I haven't been talking to my parents that much lately. A while ago, Mom complained that I used to call them up more when I was in US. Well, what can I say, Mom... I was earning my living then... I'll try to do better,though.

Note to Adam Sandler: I don't think a universal remote control is the way to go.
Should've talked to the korean cloning expert instead.

(Recap: Multiplicity starring Michael Keaton, ...I think.... Anyway I don't remember much about this movie.)

"Family comes first!" - Click(2006)

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