Sunday, January 07, 2007

My plateau

I'm hitting a plateau, and my trainer wants me to run for an hour every day....
It's not like I don't want to do it, but I can't even do 2 minutes without stopping to catch my breath.
Sometimes I wonder what the heck is wrong with my lungs that I have such a terribly short breathing. I mean, even people with worse weight problem than me seems to be handling it much better than I do.
Don't tell me that those crappy cigarettes that I once upon a time enjoyed (for a really short period of time) did this to me?

Anyway, I'm starting a 4-times a week training program. I just got home around 8.30 pm and I have to be back there tomorrow by 9 am. My trainer also told me he would arrange for a free membership upgrade that would allow me to go every day, instead of 4 days/week, which I have been using as an excuse not to work out every day.
(I wonder if that means I really, really have to do it now ^_^)

Anyway, my trainer told me that his other client, a rather well-known local designer, has managed to lose more weight than I have, eventhough he started later than me.

So, I'm trying to hypnotize the lazy little biatch in me into thinking: MUST NOT LOSE TO THIS GUY!

So, I'm setting my own target now:
5 kg loss by the end of the month.

Seriously doubt I can make it happen, but why settle for low target that won't get me anywhere right? Might as well try to go for the big bang. Now,... if I can just somehow make myself more disciplined in watching what I eat .

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