Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dang! How did I get here?

Breakfast: Muesli & oat milk
At the gym: 30 mins on treadmill, 1 hr of kick-fit.

My sweet sis-in-law sms-ed me and tried to call me several times while I was at the gym. Got an sms from my buddy, Mr Bunny, on my way to the gym.Dad also sent me an sms. Initially thought Mom had forgotten (as usual), but she called me later, put everyone at the office on speaker phone and they sang me the birthday song, which was kinda' sweet in a cheesy way. Also heard from some good friends from all over the place: DC, Oakbrook and home.

Lunch: SUSHI!!!! Don't care even if it's only supermarket sushi. I LOVE IT! And I think I'm fully entitled to a decent b'day meal :P

Afternoon: Found a long lost classmate from secondary school. I'm quite impressed that he still remembers my full name, although it is quite embarassing that the one thing he remembers the most about me was how we used to argue with each other.

Dinner: The most sinful dinner I have had for quite a while now, but I just didn't have the heart to say no to this dear aunt of mine who went through all the trouble. Plus the fact that it's also her husband's b'day..... (So, happy b'day, Uncle Charlie!)

So there you go..... 365 days and counting down to the end of my 20s (as one of my seniors from undergrad reminded me just now). I guess I should say it to myself now and try to accept the reality that the dreadful day is finally here:

(grabbed this from some website coz I love it! Hope I won't get into trouble....)


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

It's the count down, girl. Enjoy it. Before you know it, you're going downhill already. Achy back, forgotten words or names. Very annoying.

chocoholic said...

Based on what you're saying, suspect I'm already there.

BETO said...

sinful food....hmm
you know, the first sin involved food.

chocoholic said...

Hey.. what can I say.
My chinese zodiac sign is.... SNAKE.
Go figure.