Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Me? Green?

(Previous title: I AM GREEN!! Revised title to avoid potential misinterpretation as pointed out by chicagodimcorner)

I've started counting down to a few events.
There's the wacky clan gathering this weekend to celebrate my maternal gramps' 60th anniversary (I'm gonna be missing this quiet peace that I have right now at this moment). There's also my parents and my gramps' trip to China (I'm involved as the planner despite my not joining them in the trip, so I'm a bit stuck). Then of course, there is this coming Monday, which oh-by-the-way is going to be my first day at work in my new job.
I just had a really tiring day and I am going to have another great, long day tomorrow.
I wish I had Heroes' Hiro Nakamura power to stop time.

I've noticed how people keep pointing out at how good my life is.
It's not that I'm denying it: I am fully aware at how good my life is, as I think I have mentioned tons of time to almost everybody I know.
(Ooops... I suppose it's my own fault for pointing it out to everybody in the first place :P)

But then again, I am having problem figuring out why people have to focus so much on how the grass is greener on the on the other side.
I mean I do envy some people sometimes, but not all the time. Only once in a while and even then it's almost always just for a minute or two of daydreaming and that's it.
Of course, occasionally I might wonder if things had been different had I done some things differently, but I think I stop feeling that life is in anyway better for others.
God(s) has (have) been really nice to me by giving me an imperfect life to live. My totally imperfect self. My totally imperfect brain.My totally imperfect family. My totally imperfect life.
And it's all GOOD.

As a kid, I went through a period in which I thought God was playing a really cruel joke on me. I went through a rather long period of self-loathing, people-loathing, world-loathing, and all that crap, but I got through it and I think I stopped seeing the greener grass on the other side a while back. Most of the time now I only see a different shade of green now,be it emerald or jade, forest green or fern green, jungle green or sea green.
I see a different type of grass texture perhaps. A different root, a different length. That's it.

I suppose that's why it kind of gets to me sometimes when people come up to me and tell me in an envious tone at how good my life is or how fortunate or lucky I am compared to who and who.
The way I look at it, everybody's got their own sh*t to deal with. And mine is definitely gonna be different than yours.
And who knows what the real sh*t is that you're dealing with? So when we're in no way directly comparable to each other, how to tell when my side is greener than yours?

To me, all this talk about being green or greener is basically comparable to Brainy Smurf pointing out to Papa Smurf at how blue he is, or Doc or Sneezy pointing out to Grumpy that he's a dwarf.

So to all these people that I have been in contact with, let me just say:

1 comment:

BETO said...

i tot ur going to drive hybrid, recycle ur papers, or have a compost garden...:)

it's a little to late for st. pats day! but, you should wear a t-shirt that says kiss me i am green!