Friday, April 13, 2007

One week anniversary: Me *heart* job

So there you go....
My first week at my new job ended up with a Friday 13th.
I'm not really sure whether or not that's a sign of anything to come. ^_^

So far my new colleagues seem to be really nice.
I've been going out with them for lunches the past week since I thought it would be a good chance to get to know them better. And today a whole bunch of us (including 2 pregnant colleagues) squeezed ourselves at a tiny table at the food court and had lunch together.
It was quite fun actually....but unfortunately I'm afraid I might not be able to do it as often come next Monday, as I really need to get back to my program.
(I gained 3 kg in a week, for cryin' out loud!!!)

I have just realized a few seconds ago, that I almost forgot I actually signed up for this particular workshop this Saturday.
The ironic thing is that.... part of the workshop is on how to increase your brain power to improve your memory.
I suppose it just goes to show how critically important it is for me to attend this workshop :P


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

I knew you're gonna be fine. :)

Scal said...

3kg gain in the first week of work? Certainly you were enjoying yourself :D.

How is the workshop going?

chocoholic said...

Somehow, I still feel it's a bit too early to confirm that's the case,bluecactus.

You see, this is where you have made the wrong conclusion, Scal.
There are 2 types of people: those who eat when they're enjoying themselves and those who don't need to eat when they're enjoying themselves.
I belong to the latter group.

As for the workshop, I am not sure yet, but I finally remember this morning what I forgot to do last nite.
