Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My nightmare

A really bad nightmare woke me up just now.
It was a really bad one.... and it's a bit scary since some of the details are still freshly etched in my mind.
Actually it was one heck of a story, with two subplots that I don't think are related. One has a murder cover-up plot and one has a conspiracy theory thing involving more victims (GEEZ.... roomie! Look what your bf has done to me! And to think I only browsed through the websites he mentioned for a few brief minutes).
Going back to my dream-based dejavu, this is exactly why I don't like them. Hopefully no part of this won't turn out to be part of any future dejavu, since there was an old friend involved as one of the victims.
Hopefully this will be like one of my notorious nightmare of my whole family being captured and turned into zombies...
(Hey,... what can I say, I was 13, ok?!?!?).

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