Wednesday, November 15, 2006


After 4 weeks of absence from my yoga class, I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed the torture.
The really nice 3-musketeer ladies in the class (including the awesome 57-yr old auntie) were all asking why I didn't show up.
They're really nice though.

Anyway, I know this is silly but I don't care. I'm so proud of myself for doing a semi shoulder stand. I managed to push my knees close to my chest (I think I just took a really deep breath and threw my legs up) and somehow miraculously managed to straighten them up and held them up for maybe about 20 seconds.

It might be nothing for others but it means a lot to me to be able to do that.
At least that's an improvement coz I really couldn't do it last time I tried it, which was probably about 6 weeks ago, although I thought I remember being able to do it when I was in PE class back in secondary school.

Anyway, the only disappointment this time was that I could not manage to throw my legs back up after I dropped them. So I guess that was as far as I could go for now.

I have made up my mind. Will ask my trainer to help me learn how to do a proper shoulder stand.

Seriously, although I had heard about it like a zillion times, I never realized how good working out can make you feel, despite the feeling like you're gonna die over and over again during the process.

All this just makes me wonder if I had somehow picked up sports while growing up, whether or not I would still have any of my current issues.

Anyway, it's never too late to start, right?

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