Friday, November 17, 2006

The last class, but not the last supper (I hope)

I had my last lecture in the program this evening.

It's so weird. I can't believe it's really the end.
I'm so gonna miss seeing everybody in class. As I was telling some of the guys earlier, I won't really have anyone to talk to now.
It's a bit sad.
(What can I say... I've always been the sentimental type)

I don't care. Must plan for a good time to celebrate once we're done with the exams.
And I'll definitely try my best to keep in touch with this crowd!

It's not that easy to get so many nice friends all at one go at this age.
I mean, gone are the school days where you have friends to just "chill" and hang out with.

I must say, if I had to name the most important thing I gained from this program, ...
it's gotta be getting to know this lovely bunch of people.

Different personalities, different styles, but at the end of the day, we all became friends.
And I really, really like that.
Wish I could turn back time.... NOT.

I'll keep the friends, but not the torturous program.

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