Friday, October 21, 2005

wait a minute.... (!??!?!)

this is so ridiculous....
Just realized that for the past few months, I've been running around thinking that I'm one year older than I actually am.
GEEEEZZZ, girl... what's wrong with your brain?????!?!?

Didn't realize this till the other day while my uncle was advising (i.e. lecturing) me on how I should just find someone to settle down and all that stuff. He asked how old I am and I promptly answered: 2X! The same thing I've been telling my new acquaintances in town.

Of course, not that it makes that much of a difference though, since it's almost the end of the year anyway. But still.... even my 5-yr old niece can tell she's almost 5, not almost 6.... ?!?!?!??

So much for all the time and money spent on school huh? can't even get this simple math straight?

Really need to have a CT-scan I think.
Something's wrong up there in my control room.


BETO said...

i lost track of my age a few years back. no biggie...said denzel in training day, its not what you know but what you can prove. -tottaly nonsensical nonsense-

btw, use word verification in ur settings to get rid all those stupid comments.

chocoholic said...

You're right....
But that's exactly the problem: What if you don't really have anything significant to prove?

Btw, thanks for the tips!