Monday, August 15, 2005

The seventh month

It officially started a few days ago. Yup, the month of the hungry ghosts is what they call it here.

I respect the tradition and I do believe in spirits as in I believe that there is some form of life or world other than what we can see, hear, feel and touch in this world. Personally I'm perfectly fine with that as long as we respect each other's boundary. Let's just keep to ourselves, basically....I mean isn't it how we can achieve harmony in this world?

My problem is, why the heck do people have to make movies exploiting this idea and furthermore, why do they have to be released during this particular month? Isn't it kind of like mocking them?

(Note: OK, now I realize, 1:38 am in the morning is really not the best time to be writing about this. Scenes from horror movies I've (accidentally) seen keep popping up in my mind and now whatever hair I have at the back of my neck is standing up. But with all due respect, I am not the one mocking the whole idea,ok?)

I guess what bugs me the most is because the most convenient way for me to get home from my classes, which don't end until at least 10 p.m., involves a second bus ride with a route around an industrial park. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I mean I think it's a wonderful place. At least it provides income for numerous people in the labor force. But you have to agree with me, a late night bus ride in that type of area with only you as the passenger at times is not really an attractive idea. Especially that late at night and especially during this particular time of the year. And to make things even lovelier, through the wonderful technology of satellite tv on public transportation, they broadcast the commercials for the latest locally-produced movie of a particularly relevant theme (i.e. horror films), exploiting the festivity celebrated this particular time of the year.

Great. Just great.

All I can say is... harmony and peace for all.
I guess I'll just keep on chanting it to myself while concentrating not to respond to any voices from behind me during my bus rides home.

1 comment:

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

What is that behind you...
Hehehe... j/k.