Saturday, August 16, 2008

Growing Pains?

Nothing is worse than having to watch your loved ones struggling without being able to do anything.
I hate feeling so helpless and small....

Anyway I found myself calling my brother on the phone out of desperation.
I could barely finish asking him if he was already asleep (since it was quite late), when I burst into tears.
(What can I say, I'm the only daughter of a super drama mama)
I knew there was nothing he could do, but I really needed to talk to him.

Somehow, now it just reminds me of my kindergarten and early primary school days.
Back in those days, I used to have problem sleeping at night and I always managed to somehow spook myself with my wandering mind.
Most of the time, the thoughts involved my biggest fear then: Death.
(It still is, I suppose)
I remember crying and climbing up to his bunk bed above mine, and insisted that he wake up and listen to my problem, while I try to squeeze words between my sobbing and sniffing.
I would tell him how I couldn't sleep, how I was worried about our next life, after we die and supposedly go through reincarnation.
I told him how I didn't want to be anyone else's kid. How I wanted to be Mom & Dad's kid, how I wanted to be his sister again.
I think I remember at one point he told me noone can guarantee that.
And I asked him if there was a way I could look everyone up then.
I don't recall any conclusion from the discussion, but I recall he let me sleep beside him coz I was too upset to go back to sleep.

I was once the youngest kid in our English tuition class.
I cried once when an older girl in the class made fun of me.
I don't remember exactly what my brother said to me but he sat next to me while I sobbed away.
(By the way, he didn't want to take the class but my mom forced him to go with me as I was really keen to learn English and I was a bit young compared to the rest of the kids)

My brother was always the (somewhat) rebellious smart kid. I was the (somewhat) obedient average student.
He was the popular kid. I was the fat outcast.
As we grew up, slowly but somewhat surely, one tiny step at a time, I tried my best to get out of his shadow.
I was the typical younger sibling, trying to avoid being referred to as so-and-so's sister.

But I suppose as I grow older, I'm only beginning to learn to appreciate how I can just be someone's kid sister.

Just hope he doesn't see this blog.
His head is big enough as it is. It sort of runs in the family, you see....

1 comment:

Yani Yap said...

Don't be silly. Everybody has this kind of fear somewhere. The difference is they don't have a blog! hehehe...

Suggest you to read "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss. Our current parants are potentially could be our relatives or even our parents again.
Instead of keep dying, actually we are born again and again.