Sunday, November 25, 2007

One soft-hearted biatch

I finally did it.
Told my trainer that I thought it'd be best for me to switch trainer as it was getting harder and harder to match our schedules.
I really felt he wasn't cooperating enough. Besides, how the heck is anyone who's not motivated enough to work can motivate someone to go work out?
As my colleagues put it," Heck! I'm a paying customer, ok?!?!?"
How dare he raised his voice at me?!?!?

Funny though.
I kinda feel bad.

My gal pal at work, Miss Faye Faye, was laughing at me for being soft-hearted.
The reason being, I was scolding her for being soft-hearted.
On hindsight, I think she had a better excuse, she was soft-hearted when it comes to her ex.
Me? I'm soft-hearted. Period.
Even when it comes to my personal trainer. Or bosses who take advantage of cheap foreign labor. .... lol.....

My buddy at work was teasing me when I told him I was gonna quit if I wasn't happy with the boss the next day. He said," Are you sure or not? You keep saying the same thing every time leh... "
But you see, to be honest, I really think our boss is not that bad, contrary to some of the things I've been hearing. After all, she did give me the opportunity to try out for this.

By the way, I also feel bad that I've caused some of my friends to worry about me, especially Mr Bunny and Miss Beenz.
If you guys are somehow reading this post, I'm really sorry.
I've just been really drained at work. Aside from the fact that I really had almost no time left for myself, I also didn't want to be dumping all my shit to you.
I had nothing to talk about aside from work.

Things will get better soon. I promise.
At least, I will try to make it better... : )


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Trainer who raises voice at you?
Yeah, give him the pink slip.
Ditch him to the curb.

Find one who tells you you can do it, that you look gorgeous today and cheers when you finish your last round of the day.

Sigh... at least you are working out though... unlike me.

chocoholic said...

oh yea...
my new trainer is a motor-cross biker, former bmx guy who sports a ponytail. My colleague said he's scary coz he looks like mafia.
hahaha... he's a bit scary. but i think he's quite good.
at least switching trainer seems to help me get a bit of that drive back.

Scal said...

Hmm... look scary... does he manage to scare you and make you do all the training, without even saying a word?

Happy New Year :D.