Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Life - or something like it

It's 5 mins to midnite and I'm still in the office.
All by myself.

Those close to me can vouch for me: I am the biggest chicken in the whole world.
Yet, I am strangely ok with staying here at the wonderful 35th floor all by myself.
(What freaks me a bit is getting to the 34th floor from the emergency staircase :P).

I am supposed to be rushing 2 sections of this particular regional market study, but I'm just plain burnt-out. In dire need for a break then remembered I haven't updated my blog for a while. I recently found out that template I had been using had somehow gone haywire and my blog has been looking pretty neglected, especially with no posts whatsoever the past few weeks.
Too lazy (and no time!!!) to look for template, I just went for one of the standard ones.

The past few weeks have been mostly nothing but work. It has been all about slaving myself away monday-friday (plus two saturdays, and inclusive of one public holiday spent here at my desk). Oh and some nite-outs with my colleagues.
With all the crap we have to put up with, we strongly believe we need some heavy-duty de-stressing.

The past few weeks, I only go home to throw myself on my bed, jumping back up and rushing back to office a few hours after that.

I have been joking about getting a sleeping bag, stuffing my stuff in my car, and moving in to the office. I can always go to shower at Cali-Fit. There you have it: My contribution to all the "green" movement that's all the buzz nowadays (not to mention, savings from not actually having to drive my car).

I got into an accident a few weeks ago. Pretty bad in some ways yet not as bad in others. I am totally convinced by now that God is really, extremely nice to me. And I totally have no idea why I might have done in my previous life to deserve such nice treatment.
And knowing that I fully do not deserve it just makes me freak out even more.

Anyway, as I said, got nothing much to update.

Oh haven't been to the gym for the past 2 months. Seriously cannot make it there with all this crap going on.

(Note to self: Be thankful. Be greatful that someone actually is giving u a chance)


Oh Mr. Bunny is gonna go for R.O.M in January with Mrs. Bunny, a.k.a. Ade.

And he refused to have a bachelor's party.

Sigh... (not that I could come anyway)

Ok, it's 10 mins past midnite. Better get back to my work.

My record was 00.10 yesterday. I'm getting better and bettter.
00.11 restart work instead of packing home.

Life? Where are you?

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