Sunday, October 01, 2006

My latest crush

I don't understant a lot about US politics. I just know that I'm not crazy about their current president AT ALL. I was a huge Clinton (the Mr) fan years back before the whole Lewinsky scandal. I kinda' respect Clinton (the Mrs) since she just seems like she could kick ass, though I've heard some negative opinions about her. I mean I'm sure nobody's perfect but who cares, I think she would make one heck of a leader, and I would really like to see her as the first female president of USA, so Clinton can be.... the first mister? I dunno....
(Now do you see what a fun and interesting time it would be to have her hold that position? I personally think if France's Segolene Royal wins the election, US would be so passe if they don't have Hillary up the next round. The devil wears Prada will then have to be based in Paris rather than NYC.)

Anyway, I started to like Gore since that day he showed his sense of humour by guest-starring in SNL. I like people who have the ability to occasionally not take themselves too seriously and maybe make fun of themselves once in a while. Simply because I've found that people of this type of personality are usually not as uptight and arrogant as others might be.

Now, I think I'm really close to having a crush on Gore.
All because of this short footage I caught on TV of this documentary
An Inconvenient Truth of Al Gore's crusade to save the world.


One. The movie, or maybe I should say just the short footage of it scared the shit out of me. So much so that I felt like buying a submarine or a house up in the mountains (not anywhere near any volcanoes though .... now if only I could afford it). Well, ok... so maybe this is not the first time the thought has crossed my mind. Some other Hollywood productions have did it to me before, but this is when my second reason comes in to the picture.

Two. I really find it inspirational to see how some people just don't bury themselves under any failure they have to face along their ways. There was one footage of Gore introducing himself,"Hi. I'm Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the USA". Going back to what I said about people with a sense of humour, I love that intro. So what if he didn't make it as the president of the U.S.A.......?? Big deal!!!He's moved on to do a more important mission:
To save the world!

Gosh, I think I really have a crush on him now.


BETO said...

i love albert too :)

chocoholic said...


I didn't realize you've changed your orientation, Dimcorner....
