Saturday, January 17, 2009

The past 3 days have been very interesting.

After a high-intensity Thursday at work, I went out for KTV with the Investment babes plus KF from Valuation. Dang!These chicks can really sing! They also threw in a surprise for me, bringing in a really yummy b'day cake for me halfway thru the ktv session, just after the (fake) sharks' fin at the $10 KTV. I would've loved to stay longer but I was concerned about my car which was parked at the other end of Chinatown, so I had to leave early. All in all, it was a good one.

Then yesterday, I had my very first encounter with the ugliest side of my job.

While the fight is still not over and I have a feeling the worst is yet to come, the nasty experience however also gave me the chance to experience first-hand the difference of being led by a real leader.

When I got attacked, one of my bosses, whom we sometimes lovingly refer to as the Power Puff Girls, not only backed me up but took charge and whacked people left, right, front and back. On hindsight, it was kinda funny actually to see her "charge" all the way to protect me, in the rather angelic off-white outfit she was wearing yesterday.

I was very nervous at first when this problem popped up, not exactly because I was afraid of the other party as I was actually quite prepared to charge. I was more nervous because I was not sure I would get my bosses' support.

Honestly though, I can hardly recall any other time I have ever felt so protected at work.

While I am not sure how long I will get to enjoy this support and protection, I am greatful enough for yesterday. Regardless of this thing will turn out in the end (especially with another nasty confrontative email just in about an hour ago), I have learnt a very important lesson in leadership. To learn from my Power Puff Bosses was along the objective I have in mind when I chose to join this supposedly very "xiong" department, as an ex-colleague described, and yesterday only strenghened my belief that I made the right decision.

One of my Ds told me that it's a good place although there are lots of ups and downs, and some people don't survive ( I think she was referring to the recent departure of an ex-colleague). I told her, even if I don't survive, I am happy enough to have braved the choppy water and picked up the valuable lessons.

Anyway, after a really tough day, the evening was spent with some very sweet ex-colleagues who have been my support network here in this city. I am a very, very lucky girl to have come across such sweet people everywhere I go. Seriously... I wonder how one can be so lucky....

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