Thursday, May 24, 2007

A whole lotta crap

I submitted my first draft to my boss today. The very first report I am supposed to do in my current job.
65 pages in total, including charts, tables and all. It sure is a whole lotta crap though.....
After no breakthrough in trying to find a solutions to the problem. I tried my best to downplay the bad stuff and yet stay away from painting too beautiful of a picture lest we get sued later.

I can't even remember what I wrote. I just hope the boss finds it usable.
Coz I had a nightmare a few days ago that I got into trouble with my second boss because of this report. I remember in my dream, she said it was a piece of crap.

Anyway, this boss who will be reviewing the report will be travelling for a few days. She won't be back until later next week. After which I will have to revise the report based on her feedback over the weekend.
That's why I'm nervous and really praying there won't be too many changes to be done. I don't want to work on weekends.

I need sleep.....

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