Sunday, May 22, 2005

white meat vs. dark meat

Could somebody please help us confused souls here:

Are chicken wings white meat or dark meat?

(This post is dedicated to NC. I hope one day this issue would be resolved.)

I am sorry but I guess I am a bit "racist" when it gets to poultry. I strongly prefer white meat over dark meat. I mean, c'mon guys.... is it seriously just me? Can you not smell the strong "chicken body odor" (as my roomie put it) in the dark meat? (She loves dark meat,by the way. Which works out great since we can split a rotisserie chicken nicely that way).Well anyway, I think chicken wings should be considered dark meat but heck, that's my favorite part! And if it tastes good, who cares? So, please give me not thighs, nor drumsticks. But wings?? Oui!OUI!

NC, I hope you'll be able to enjoy them again some day 'cause I think you're missing out on too much.

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