Sunday, September 14, 2008

Talk about over-commitment....

Wonder if I'll be overdoing it this coming week:

Monday: Hair-cut @ 6pm, followed by gym @ 9pm
Tuesday: Mamma Mia, the movie, @ 7pm (since I have been advised that learning tennis will be strenuous on my knee now)
Wednesday: Boxing @ 8 pm
Thursday: Steamboat dinner with RCF+ (time TBC)
Friday: Gym @ 9pm
Saturday: Cousin's wedding dinner, followed by Attica

Wonder where I should squeeze in time to clean up my room by Friday, since I have really wasted my weekend....


Scal said...

Boxing? Are you really do boxing? And what about gym? No treadmill?

Well... maybe you can push the room cleaning after the boxing, in addition to Thursday :D

chocoholic said...

I'm afraid I have to resort to boxing since muay thai has been crossed out from my list after i hurt my knee...
(Such a shame when I was starting to have such a good time..)

I mostly just do some light work on cross-trainers (which partially explains why I can never lose the weight, I think :P), coz my trainer believes the impact from running, even on treadmill, will only make my knee even worse.

Sad, isn't it?

I found kick-boxing really helped in my losing weight last time.
Such a shame I can't do it anymore..
That's why I kind of insist on boxing since I think it really helps me, though it seems it will be at the cost of my knee :P

I'm also trying to find a swimming instructor. I want to learn how to swim properly and not float like a piece of lard (which I can do quite well.... just ask blue cactus & dimcorner... they can vouch for me :P)

So wish me luck, k?

Scal said...

Yeah... get some swimming instructor, it is a good exercise. Or go buy a bicycle, it also knee-friendly :D.

Good luck!

chocoholic said...

Thanks a lot, buddy!