Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Am I really jumping from one hot soup to another?

A lot has happened the past few weeks, and no.... I'm not referring to the whole brouhaha about the highly coveted contents of Edison Chen's notebook.

Speaking of HK entertainment news, I am quite sad to learn about Lydia Sum's death. I can only hope her daughter gets all the support that she needs... I really quite envy the kind of bond that the two seem to have shared.

Anyway, back to me... as I am an extremely self-adoring biatch :P

So, my resignation was finally approved after two failed attempts -- including one in which she actually implied that I was just going through some sort of a quarter-life crisis ...
While I really don't think that that is what's going on -- and I also don't think the problem is solely on my end (i.e. was really tempted to say: add another quarter and speak for yourself), maybe she's right......., but who cares, right?

I was out.
I was free... yet I was broken-hearted.
The idea that I would not be able to see the few wonderful friends I have made at work really was really devastating.
After all the time we spent together, including all those extra hours at work, they have become another family to me.

I genuinely think I must have done some awesomely good deeds in my previous life (which unfortunately I haven't seem to be able to copy in this life) to be so lucky to have such nice and sweet colleagues.

And before my last day, they even chipped in to get me a hamper with fresh flowers, an assortment of organic goodies which they picked themselves and a really cute stuffed piggy in a pineapple costume as a send-off gift.
It's just is really, really sweet of them.

Anyway, there were some changes after some rather dramatic turn of events.
And instead of a clean exit through the door, I ended up crossing the hallway instead after that last day.

I transferred to another department instead.
I have been getting mixed feedback about this. Most of my darling friends at work, of course have been really supportive, trying to assure me that I will do great over on the other side.
However, there were also others who reacted differently. One interesting comment referred to the other side as "the dark side" and another scolded me just this afternoon (apparently I forgot to inform her, as I was under the assumption that the others would've told her already), asking me if I was crazy to jump from one hot soup to another.


On hindsight, I wonder if my decision to take some advance leave before I start is really a good idea.
The more I think about the challenges I will have to face, the more nervous and doubtful I get, wondering whether or not I will be able to survive.

Anyway, I have reached the point of no return.
I keep tellling myself "There's no looking back now, girl! Just gotta take a deep breath and jump... just like you have done before. Shit will happen you will fumble around and stumble, but u just have to take another deep one, smile, and get up again".

Easier said than done...... (I think the human mind is really strong and weak at the same time).

But it's ok....I will jump. I will do it.
No other way to find out the outcome, right?

So, .....Bring it on!

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