Monday, February 05, 2007

Week at a glance

It has been a rather interesting week.
When last week began with a high "high" on Monday, I wondered if my plan was going to work out after all.
Then Friday afternoon came, and instead of that one phone call I was waiting for, I was hit with a surprise "road block" a la Amazing Race instead.
Though I was a bit upset, I refused to let the thing ruin the weekend that I had planned. So the show had to go on.
Went to Cafe del Mar with some of my classmates and I found myself really enjoying the place. The weather of course helped a lot, with the clear sky, full moon and plenty of cooling breeze. Afterwards, some of us went on for a second round at St. James by this end of the bridge.
It's quite a fun place and I also quite enjoyed the place as I didn't feel as out of place as in the case last time when I tried Ministry of Sound.

And so the new week came in at an all-time low, with the realisation that my plan might not work out after all.
Having to get up really early to avoid the long and winding line only to deal with grumpy immigration officers is just not my idea of fun.
On the bright side, however, I managed to scour my stack of junk to find that one letter that showed the silly changes done by this supposedly well-established local educational institution.

I was browsing through some books on Chinese astrology at the book store.
I guess you can say I'm a skeptic believer.... I listen or I read, I believe for like 5 minutes and I forget for the rest of the year, until it's time again for these publishers to come up with new ones for the following year.
I dunno... I just think it's kinda' fun to pretend for at least a second that you know what's gonna happen to the world, or at the very least, your life.

So, if you have the option for a relatively safe yet rather boring year or an exciting yet uncertain year when you have to constantly jump hoops and all (of course with at least a 50:50 chance of either making it big or falling really hard), which do you prefer?
I suppose the answer of course depends on which stage of your life you're currently at. At this point of my life however, I think I'd take any hoops rather than a quiet, boring year.
So, bring it on, world! Gimme all you've got!This snake ain't scared of ya!!!

P.s. I'm not sure how to react when someone strongly insists that you have coloured your hair, when you really haven't. Should I be sad coz that means my hair looks fake, or worse, unhealthy? Or should I be happy coz I saved myself the trouble and cost of a professional hair color session? By the way, it just got me wondering what's the point of listing info on eye and hair color on our passports, which I remember seeing on my older ones. Curious what they listed on mine, I flipped through my fairly new passport while waiting at the Immigration office this morning and only then did I find out that they had taken out the information on hair and eye colour(at least the ones issued by our beloved country that's turning into Atlantis).I suppose it makes perfect sense, with all the colored contacts and DIY hair color products in the market.

I guess I'd better stop rambling nonsense here. Must go and pick up the car from the service centre, where I dropped it off this afternoon for a regular "check-up" and pampering "car spa" service. Hope it won't cost me an arm and a leg.

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