Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So I guess this is it.
There goes my 4-year effort to get a fairer skin tone.
The tropical sun has finally taken its toll through a 1 hour bike ride under the sun. It wasn't even a full-blown sun, for God's sake!

Anyway, Mr. Vain, my new buddy from class, was so hilarious on the way back home. Browsing through the cds that one street vendor was selling, he asked me to find one with the "doggie song" by Jay.
"Eh? Come again?"
"The doggie song.... ya know....."
For a split second I thought he meant that "who let the dogs out" song, but then I figured it's Jay Chow's 四面楚歌 since the lyric's a bit loaded with the word 狗 and words that rhyme with it. It took me a few seconds to realize that he was actually looking for 安静 or anjing, which means a dog in Indonesian.
That's a good one.

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