Friday, June 17, 2005

Last day at work

Today was my last day at work. I survived the whole day without making any scene, but as I was leaving, one of my colleagues decided to round up whatever people left on the floor to say good bye to me and that did it.

I know some people might not get why it's such a big deal, but what can I say, it just is for me. For a girl who's half-way around the world from home, my co-workers have become my family. I spent more time with them during my approaching-four-year stay here in the Windy city than anyone else. Not only that, they are the nicest, most-caring, warm-hearted people I have ever met in my life, too. I mean, I'm not saying we don't have our "non-Hallmark" moments, but heck, who doesn't? Just as my colleague said: We are just one big dysfunctional family.

I think this hasn't really sunk in yet. I think a major reason why I'm not totally freaked out yet is the fact that I have to entertain one of my friends who's visiting from home and also the fact that I will stil see them next Friday for dinner.

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