Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday night live...

Had a farewell lunch today with yet another friends who's leaving town. This time I didn't say good bye though. Instead I said : See ya' soon...!
I don't know why... The words just flew out of my mouth.

Went to see the Body Works exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry on Friday( It was very interesting.... Managed to successfully freak myself out within the first 10 minutes 'cause I kept staring at the eyes .... Within half an hour or so after that, I somehow successfully managed to make myself numb though. I managed to somehow touch a plasticized lung and a sliced thoracic plasticine, and can even calmly declare that the last display, the lady in the archer pose, was simply BEAUTIFUL.
The sliced plasticine of an obese body kind of freaked me out though. (Note: must revisit New Year's resolution items).

Got home to an extremely quiet apartment, sat down for a skype session with my mom and brother (and my dad for about 30 seconds before they had to leave), and then sat in bed through a whole DVD. Basically bawled my eyes out in doing so and all I can say is: Noah Calhoun, where art thou?

You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
- Snatch (2000) -

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